Thursday, October 23, 2014

Avengers 2: Age of Ultron Trailer+Review

Avengers: Age of Ultron
Robert Downey Jr- Tony Stark/Iron Man
Chris Evans- Steve Rogers/Captain America
Scarlett Johansson- Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Mark Ruffalo- Bruce Banner/The Hulk
Chris Hemsworth- Thor
Jeremy Renner- Clint Barton/Hawkeye
James Spader- Ultron
Elizabeth Olsen- Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Aaron Taylor-Johnson- Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
Samuel L. Jackson- Nick Fury
Cobie Smulders- Maria Hill
Paul Bettany- JARVIS

So I think everyone can agree that this will be the biggest movie of 2015. The Avengers made well over a billion dollars worldwide and is the 3rd highest-grossing movie in both the country and the world. Marvel very slowly built up to their first team film, introducing us to Iron Man, The Hulk, Cap, and Thor in their own movies, and teasing us Black Widow, Hawkeye, Nick Fury, and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in supporting roles. There have been four movies in Marvel Phase Two, which closes with Avengers: Age of Ultron. Iron Man 3 saw Tony Stark suffering from PTSD after the first film and he built hundreds of Iron Man suits. Thor: The Dark World (the awful movie it was) introduced us to the Infinity Stones, and The Collector. Captain America: The Winter Soldier saw Cap and Black Widow realize that S.H.I.E.L.D. had been compromised, and they had to shut down the whole force that built the Avengers. It also introduced us to Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, two superheroes genetically engineered by the villains, and brainwashed to be evil. Lastly, there's Guardians of the Galaxy, while a fun movie, didn't really do anything except explain the Collector and the Infinity Stones more, which become more prominent in Phase Three.

What do we see in the trailer? Ultron. Who is Ultron? Ultron is a sentient version of one of Tony Stark's Iron Man suits. He tried to improve every one (as seen in IM3) and now this one can walk, talk, and has a bone to pick with his creator. We see him first as a very broken-looking prototype threatening the Avengers, and then we see him in the final shot, saying "There are no strings on me." With the ominous song from Pinocchio playing in the background for the whole trailer, and Ultron even singing along, the character's tone is clearly set. Ultron is not a puppet, he has no strings. And Tony and the Avengers, they feel they have the strings. But he's going to turn the tables. Marvel is famous for its forgettable villains, nowhere near the memorability that Heath Ledger's The Joker, or Michelle Pheiffer's Catwoman have gone down in cinematic history. All they have to brag about is Loki, and it looks like James Spader's legendary voice is being put to great use here.

We also see the Hulkbuster armor. Who knows why Iron Man and the Hulk are fighting, but it looks awesome. Iron Man is definitely the fan favorite, and seeing him suit up like this is incredible to watch. Marvel has been teasing an upcoming Civil War (I won't spoil that, so you'll have to look it up) that will happen at the end of this film, and being familiar with the subject material, this looks like Civil War to me. What disappoints me is the lack of good screen time in the trailer besides RDJ and The Hulk. Black Widow is very prominent (also very telling after many people backed her after Captain America 2) which is great, as is Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Who knows if they'll become heroes (I think they have to eventually) but in the trailer, they're the bad guys. A lot less Thor (thank you...) and less Hawkeye, which is unfortunate because I really enjoy the character, even though he's always the guy left behind.

Anyways, this looks like it will be a fantastic movie, and I'm definitely excited!

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